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Controversial Topics For A Persuasive Essay
Wednesday, September 2, 2020
The Shortcomings Of The Current International Trade free essay sample
Framework Essay, Research Paper The issue of exchange has been a factor in the interrelatednesss between states since their build. From the beginning of time there have been a wide range of developments that envelop these exchange dealingss. In bit, the territory of exchange between provinces agreed with, and relied on, their monetary frameworks, cultural development, readiness to stock, and their accessible assets ( tradable stocks and administrations ) . Today # 8217 ; s exchange framework is as yet defined by these components. Be that as it may, there are a lot more concerns and histrions which must be gauged. The current worldwide exchange framework is, to express the least, significantly more mind boggling. In its unpredictability, the exchange framework has other than acquired an extremely dubious nature. This conflict is centered around the genuine advantages of the current development itself, which is named as exchange progression. Inside this paper I would wish to go to this conflict, and represent the explanation that, The global exchange framework, each piece by and by organized, does non capacity to advance the contributions of the North or South. Fixation will be guided toward the negative impacts toward the South, and optionally on the since a long time ago run harming consequences for the North. So as to comprehend the current development without limit, one must cognize the history. With the halting purpose of the Second World War, the universe # 8217 ; s pioneers made plans to build a planetary monetary framework that would be unmistakably more regulated and constitutionalized than the prewar hypothetical record. In their underlying plan, the United Nations would flexibly the universal political stableness. Moreover, financial developing among states would be described by # 8220 ; free multilateralism, # 8221 ; driven by such associations as the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade ( GATT ) , the World Bank, and the International Monetary Fund ( IMF ) . In footings of exchange the after war, the United States and Great Britain attempted to arrangement the International Trade Organization ( ITO ) to work alongside the World Bank and IMF trying to propel facilitated commerce. Be that as it may, as a result of disarray about the conclusions of unhindered commerce, the ITO neer became. Most quite, the United States and Europe ( primarily Britain ) conflicted in their develops of facilitated commerce. The United States considered liberated to be as an extraordinary organizations of helping universe thriving and empowering harmony. Europe was by and by distrusting of this auxiliary modification while power was so unevenly moved for the United States. With the hazard of the US taking into another downturn, which would other than throb Europe # 8217 ; s financial framework, and nearness of the Soviet Union # 8217 ; s beliefs creeping out of sight, a finding on exchange got basic. At last, the GATT was built up with the restrictive worry of cut bringing down exchange obstructions. After a few mature ages of activity, the first of the South # 8217 ; s voice would be heard as they kicked of unreasonable obligations that industrialized states despite everything had in topographic point that were harming to the creating provinces. It was accounted for by a reality discovering commission that, # 8220 ; obstructions of different types in created areas contributed altogether to the exchange occupations of creating nations. # 8221 ; A significant subject of the 1961 United Nations General Assembly was the large exchange spread among created and lacking universes. The Group of 77 ( G-77 ) , comprised of creating states, called attention to the imperfections of GATT and composed the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development ( UNCTAD ) as a reaction. This new association improved introduction to the # 8220 ; specific and differential # 8221 ; requests of the South and upheld the push for more prominent progression of the North # 8217 ; s markets and obligation d iminishes. This carries the history to the hole of the Uruguay Round of exchange discourse 1986. This unit of ammo was one out of an arrangement under the GATT # 8217 ; s umbrella. The exchanges took topographic point more than eight mature ages and included 125 states. Sadly, creating states ( the G-77 ) during this clasp period were, # 8220 ; in disarray, stricken by obligation obligations and the effect of adjustments in the previous Soviet Union and the terminal of the virus war in universe political relations. Besides, creating states were non # 8230 ; in fact arranged for the discoursed while they came up short on their ain exchange points and sufficient techniques. # 8221 ; They were impacted, or under power per unit zone to dispute, the prevailing places of the clasp, which celebrated the benefits of all inclusive exchange progression. For these grounds, the South # 8217 ; s concerns were incredibly underrepresented in the Agreement # 8217 ; s result. The Uruguay Round demonstrated to hold a significant effect on universe exchange. Essentially this effect originated from, the transmutation of the GATT to the World Trade Organization ( WTO ) , and the constitution of an agenda that would farther broaden the scope of unhindered commerce. Under the new Uruguay Round guidelines, the essential end was the advancement of worldwide exchange such a way, that all gatherings included would benefit, which would be controlled by the WTO. In spite of the fact that this end had uprightness, its development has non # 8220 ; served to advance the contributions # 8221 ; of the exchanging states, and explicitly the South. This short history drives us now to where exchange strategy by and by remains, in a territory of obscurity. This is prove by, # 8220 ; the impasse in exchanges during the ongoing gatherings of the WTO [ that ] have shown the awful contrasts among arranged gatherings of part states on such issues as cosmopolitan and widely inclusive exchange advancement. # 8221 ; The truth of the matter is that there has been a disappointment of exchange advancement the 1980s and 1990s. A figure of variables have carried this inability to the head of both created and creating states agendas and caused them, # 8220 ; to hold second thoughts on the excellencies of quick, cosmopolitan and comprehensive exchange progression. # 8221 ; One of these components is the improvement of the parity of-installment emergency in East Asia and Brazil, which prompted monetary and financial emergency known to man financial framework all in all. The second factor is the disappointment of exchange advancement most immature states, to better and enhance their produced trades. Third, exchange progression has been trailed by declining pay conveyance inside creating and created states, what's more between them. At long last, the call of creating states that believed that they had made an a lot more noteworthy committedness to change exchange than created states through the Uruguay Round Agreement and Structural Adjustments. It is these variables, that have carried the North and South to the # 8220 ; table # 8221 ; to reevaluate the universal exchange framework. As Julius Katz, Deputy Trade Negotiator for the previous Bush Administration areas, # 8220 ; Thingss are venturing out to just gimp along until there can be clearing reevaluating of the exchange technique. # 8221 ; There are two boss explanations that persuade that the current universal exchange framework is non acceptable toward the South or the North. In short these announcements are the being of current boundaries to stock, for example, obligations or quantities ; and inconsistencies inside GATT/WTO strategy. Albeit much endeavor has been given to chop down the total of hindrances to stock inside the changed framework, there are as yet numerous in utilization. In a few occasions there are instrument is topographic point that have supplanted the dispirited obligations. This incorporates non-levy obstructions ( NTBs ) , fare and import standards, permitting procedures, and limits put on merchandise. These are some of the time considered more harming to stock than a successive obligation hindrance, # 8220 ; in light of the fact that productive remote makers can non undersell the boundaries by cut bringing down their expenses and consequently their costs. # 8221 ; Furthermore, # 8220 ; A high for each centum of stocks skilled to nontariff boundaries demonstrates a protectionist exchange system. # 8221 ; One impossible to miss delineation exchanges with the existent change from non-levy agrarian boundaries to an obligation, which is limited by a # 8220 ; bound # 8221 ; obligation rate. In principle this is intended to help exchange by cut bringing down the extent of exchange strategies and making a fiscal worth roof that can be at long last brought down. Be that as it may, numerous states took this risk to make high edge obligations on such exchange merchandise as rice, coarse grains, and sugar. # 8220 ; These obligations are amazingly inconvenient, # 8221 ; for two grounds. To begin with, they raise the fiscal qualities for household buyers. Second, they make the products less attractive as fares. Of impressive concern has been the disproportional execution of hindrances for industrialized states, while at a similar clasp being harming to creating states. A representation that originates from the Uruguay Round Agreement, is the abatement of an exchange weighted import obligation on ventures in industrialized states to 3.4 per centum. While obligations on work concentrated products ( sent out by creating states ) are set four-times each piece high as those paid in created provinces. Before, many creating states have looked to the WTO to help them determine a piece of the market. In principle, the framework should deny unfair confinements on exchange, for example, high tari ffs and standards. Yet, in design, WTO guidelines have permitted industrialized states to diminish imports from creating states while they other than power the last to acknowledge showcase advancement guidelines, which thus advantage created states in any case. For case, the WTO limits obligations on fabricated merchandise, however disregards high obligations set on exchange products that creating states send out. One outline is th
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Human Resource Management policies and techniques Essay
Human Resource Management approaches and procedures - Essay Example The term, Human Resource Management had it root in 1970s. Anyway the idea of the executives of the authoritative assets relating to the government assistance and support of labor has gotten the consideration of troughs of institutional elements since periods going back to the hundreds of years. This view is bolstered by the way that even in 1800 BC itself, 'the lowest pay permitted by law rate' and 'motivation wage plan' were remembered for the Babylonian Code of Hammurabi (Ashwatappa K 2002, p.16).However after the subsequent Word War, the methodology over the administration of work force broadened from insignificant government assistance to progressively more extensive dreams like turn of events, control and polished methodology. Before a century ago's over, Human Resource Management procured a genuine expert viewpoint and logical conversations were started in the corporate world prompting definition of exact administration advances. The Human Resource Management Challenges were de ductively recognized and Development instruments for Human Resources were recently found. The term, Human Resource Management is regularly blended in belief system, with the term Personnel the board. Despite the fact that seeming comparable in the framework, Human Resource Management contrasts from Personnel Management both in extension and direction. Human Resource Management considers labor as a significant source or resource which can be used for the association, workers and the general public. It has a commonly profiting approach profiting the activity supplier, the laborer and the general public around the workplace. Anyway Personnel the board has a constrained extension and an altered direction. The sole thought of the labor as an instrument to be altered and used for the simple advantage of the association is the impediment in the methodology of the ideas characterized under Personnel the board. Because of this encircled nature of the ideas under Personnel the board, it was continuously supplanted by the more extensive idea of Human Resource Management. The speedin g up of this substitution over the globe was activated as the biggest expert association in the field of the executives, The American Society for Personnel Administration (ASPA) changed their name to The Society of Human Resource Management (SHRM). The Importance of Human Resource Management The significance of Human Resource Management is very crucial to cause an association to support in the corporate intensity of current business. Human Resource Management would assist a foundation with getting readied and adjust to the nonstop advancements in the corporate world. The support of a cutting edge Human Resource Management program and strategy would assist organizations with attracting quality labor. Suitable and advanced flexibly of gifted work force must be guaranteed through a precise Human Resource Management Strategy. The viability of the trainings and other limit building procedures to be shaped to assist the association needs legitimate arranging. These Human Resource trainings would set up the work power to be prepared ahead of time for the regularly changing necessities of the business. Another key advantage of legitimate Human Resource Management is that it would rouse the group and persistently overhaul them with significance
Homework Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 4
Schoolwork - Essay Example (Lougheed 2005) This appears as though this could be the answer for some clinical issues as researcher can to some degree fix harmed cells, and despite the fact that this can spare the lives of many, the lives lost through premature birth will never compensate for the ones spared. Until immature microorganisms can be gathered in an increasingly moral way, they ought not be utilized for clinical headway. Numerous supporters of immature microorganism explore concur that the foundational microorganisms got from premature births would be wrecked at any rate. Regardless of whether this is the situation or not, the guardians are deciding to permit the unborn hatchling to bite the dust. This implies the phones likewise beyond words it isn't morally right to utilize them as they were picked to be left dead. Ideally this data is useful and useful concerning what sorts of undeveloped cells ought to be utilized and why immature microorganism research can be deceptive. Until another way is found to gather undeveloped cells, I and numerous others will remain
Friday, August 21, 2020
M Butterfly Essays - M. Butterfly, Free Essays, Term Papers
M Butterfly Essays - M. Butterfly, Free Essays, Term Papers M Butterfly RIUve played out an incredible occasions after quite a while after night, consistently scanning for another completion of my story, one where I will leave this cell what's more, return perpetually to my ButterflyUs arms.S (Hwang 3.3.1-4) With these expressions of David Henry HwangUs play M Butterfly, we understand that we have simply been gazing straightforwardly into the recollections of Rene Gallimard. The reality that Rene Gallimard fills in as the storyteller of his recollections in the play M Butterfly conveys an impression of the character behind Gallimard than would ever be accomplished by the review of the screenplay. The presence of Marc in the play as observed from GallimardUs viewpoint, the way that Gallimard fills in as the fundamental coordinator of thoughts in the play, and the contrasting jobs of Helga in the two works all lead to totally different impressions and understandings by the peruser or watcher. GallimardUs portrayal is by all accounts the most evident contrast between the film and the play. While perusing the play, the crowd has a chance to become more acquainted with the character of Rene Gallimard, also as his sentiments about specific points. Such knowledge can be essential in the feeling that a character makes on a crowd of people. GallimardUs persona is clear in the initial lines of the play. He comments at first about the elements of the cell, the air, and the living conditions. Promptly, this paints an image for the peruser that is exceptionally precise genuinely, and the peruser sees that Gallimard is direct, and says what he implies without particularly prelude. As the initial scenes create, we additionally observe the side of Gallimard that is the visionary. Rene certainly has dreams of flawlessness, and they are shown when he comments RAlone in this cell, I sit night after night, viewing our story play through my head, continually looking for a new completion, one which reclaims my respect , where she returns finally to my arms.S (1.3.7-11) Gallimard can be named a visionary, and not just since he is limited to a jail cell for a long time. He has a dream of how life should be, and feels compensated when he complies with a generalization. For instance, he says RI knew this little bloom was hanging tight for me to call, and, as I insidiously wouldn't do as such, I felt the first occasion when that surge of intensity the outright intensity of a man.S (1.11. 8-10) Being Ra manS is imperative to Gallimard, and following the purported RWestern FantasyS of taking part in an extramarital entanglements with an Eastern lady is enticing to him. Impressions like these give the peruser mind boggling knowledge into the psyche of Gallimard, which are extremely valuable to clarify later activities in the story. A storyteller constructs a fellowship with the peruser, an individual that the crowd can trust. We see the occasions from GallimardUs side of things, which are significantly more misshaped in the play than the occasions that happen in the film. The expulsion of the storyteller in the film leaves the watcher to create GallimardUs character for themselves, as opposed to become acquainted with how he thinks. This puts the watcher at a general burden for understanding the genuine significance behind M Butterfly. Another noteworthy piece of the play that is discarded from the film is GallimardUs closest companion from school, Marc. Marc is depicted as a Rwomanizing cadS (1.3. 81) by Gallimard, giving the peruser a self-evident early introduction. He is created as a character that is there for Gallimard in the midst of hardship, and fills in as somebody that Gallimard can go to in the midst of hardship. A companion like this doesn't exist in the film, and the watcher gets the feeling that Gallimard is brisk in dynamic furthermore, has little uncertainty about his activities. In the play, be that as it may, we know this isn't the situation. There are a few situations where Marc converses with Gallimard in his mind, and thinking for choices is clarified. For model, Marc says RAll your life youUve hung tight for a lovely young lady who would set down for you.....As the years pass, your hair diminishes and you battle to clutch even your expectations. Stop
Hastings Banda, Life President of Malawi
Hastings Banda, Life President of Malawi Proceeded from: Hastings Banda: the Early Years After an extra-conventional however through and through unassuming life as an ex-loyalist dark African specialist in Britain during the pilgrim period, Hastings Banda before long turned into a tyrant once in power in Malawi. His logical inconsistencies were many, and he left individuals thinking about how the specialist had become Hastings Banda, Life President of Malawi. Radical: Opposing Federation and Supporting Apartheid Indeed, even while abroad, Hastings Banda was being brought into patriot legislative issues in Nyasaland. The tipping piont appears to have been the choice by the British frontier government to get Nyasaland together with Northern and Southern Rhodesia to shape the Central African Federation. Banda was passionately against organization, and a few times, patriot pioneers in Malawi requested that he get back to lead the battle. For reasons that are not totally clear, Banda stayed in Ghana until 1958, when he at last came back to Nyasaland and dedicated himself completely to governmental issues. By 1959, he had been imprisoned for 13 months for his resistance to alliance, which he saw as a gadget for guaranteeing that Southern Rhodesia †which was represented by a white minority †held authority over the dominant part dark populaces of Northern Rhodesia and Nyasaland.â In Africa Today, Banda announced that if restriction made him a â€Å"extremist†, he was glad to be one. â€Å"Nowhere in history,’ he stated, â€Å"did the supposed Moderates achieve anything.†â However, regardless of his position against the mistreatment of Malawis populace, as a pioneer Banda had too not many misgivings, numerous individuals thought, about the abuse of South Africas dark populace. As President of Malawi, Banda worked intimately with the Apartheid South African government and didn't stand in opposition to the extreme isolation toward the south of Malawis fringes. This juxtaposition between his self-announced fanaticism and theâ real politiqueâ of his global principle was only one of the numerous logical inconsistencies that confounded and puzzled individuals about President Hastings Banda. Leader, President, Life President, Exile As the hotly anticipated pioneer of the patriot development, Banda was a conspicuous decision for Prime Minister as Nyasaland advanced toward autonomy, and it was he who changed the name of the nation to Malawi. (Some state he preferred the sound of Malawi, which he found on a pre-pilgrim map.)â It was soon obvious how Banda expected to run the show. In 1964, when his bureau attempted to constrain his forces, he had four of the clergymen excused. Others surrendered and a few fled the nation and lived in a state of banishment for the remainder of their lives or his rule, which at any point finished first.  In 1966, Banda regulated the composition of another constitution and ran unopposed for political decision as Malawis first president. From that point forward, Banda controlled as an absolutist. The state was him, and he was the state. In 1971, the parliament named in President forever. As President, Banda upheld his inflexible feeling of profound quality on the individuals of Malawi. His standard got known for persecution, and individuals dreaded his paramilitary Malawi Young Pioneers gathering.  He provided the to a great extent agrarian populace with compost and different endowments, yet the administration additionally controlled costs, thus few however the first class profited by surplus yields. Banda had faith in himself and his kin, however. At the point when he ran in a challenged, majority rule political race in 1994, he was stunned to be entirely vanquished. He left Malawi, and passed on three years after the fact in South Africa. A Fraud or a Puritan? The juxtaposition of Bandas mien as the tranquil specialist in Britain and his later years as a tyrant, joined with his powerlessness to communicate in his local language motivated various paranoid ideas. Many idea he was not even from Malawi, and some guaranteed that the genuine Hastings Banda had kicked the bucket while abroad, and been supplanted by a painstakingly picked sham.  There is something searing about most strict individuals however. The equivalent inward drive that drives them to revoke and upbraid such regular goes about as kissing (Banda restricted open kissing in Malawi and even reproached motion pictures he thought had an excess of kissing) and it is in this string of Bandas character that an association can be drawn between the calm, kind specialist and the tyrannical Big Man he became.  Sources: Banda, Hastings K. â€Å"Return to Nyasaland,†Africa Today 7.4 (1960): 9. Dowden, Richard. â€Å"Obituary: Dr. Hastings Banda,†Independent 26 November 1997.  â€Å"Hastings Banda,†Economist, November 27, 1997. Kamkwamba, William and Bryan Mealer, The Boy who Harnessed the Wind. New York: Harper Collins, 2009.   ‘Kanyarwunga’, â€Å"Malawi; The Incredible True Story of Dr. Hastings Kamuzu Banda,†History of Africa Otherwise blog, November 7, 2011.
Sunday, June 28, 2020
There is no hope of conducting perfect research - 550 Words
There is no hope of conducting perfect research (Essay Sample) Content: Name:Professors name:Class name:Date: There is no hope of conducting perfect researchIn the year 1998, Griffiths (97) declared that there is no any hope of doing a perfect research. This statement remains a strife one with forces encouraging it as well as other forces opposing it. In order to understand Griffiths statement, first one has to perceive the meaning of the word research. Research can be referred to as the study done to solve a given a problem or also to discover things which have not yet to be discovered. Research may refer to the act of investigating through a prior already done study so as to investigate and come up with a new finding which had not been identified during the previous study. In this modern day world, research is important going by the fact that it has resulted to the development and advancement of many inventions in both science and technology. When one examines Griffiths (97) statement, one can come to the conclusion that there is no hop e of doing a perfect research. Despite the fact that, at times, the research may tend to appear particularly promising, the existence of bias and errors has the reputation of some research into the question. The term perfect means the state of completeness without any errors, weaknesses or flaws (Bernard 64). The term perfect in the research context can be used to refer to a confirmed fact that otherwise has some imperfections which are sure to happen during the research process. The fact that nobody is perfect implies the state of a research being perfect is not a realistic conclusion in modern day world.There are two main categories of research namely quantitative and qualitative research methods (Kothari 170). Despite the existence of these types of research methods, there is no any assurance that the results of a given research will be perfect. This has resulted in many researchers improve their methods of doing the research and also the results. The foremost challenge facing mo st of the researchers is the probability of research errors. There are two types of errors encountered by the researchers namely; systematic and random errors (Kothari 197). Systematic errors result from the use of fake patterns which occur between the observed and true values. On the other hand, random errors are unavoidable in quantitative research, and the only way to avoid them as a researcher is by minimizing them (Kothari 202). The existence of bias in research also leads to dissemination of the results. The different types of biases may include measurement and intervention bias. Another form of bias is when the researcher takes side when it comes for instance research topics or results. One cannot take no notice of the fact that the researcher has a large influence on the research results. This shows that the researcher can influence the whole of the research process simply by his/her personal bias.In one of my undergraduate research on the effects of government CDF program on the economic attitudes of the rural poor household beneficiaries, I became aware that the outcome of the research would not be perfect. This is because I came to realize that most of the respondents had received apart from the CDF insentient from foreign...
Wednesday, June 3, 2020
Anne Frank, Free Essay Sample
ANNE FRANK The Diary of Anne Frank has been published and after, read by hundreds of thousands of people. Annelies Marie Frank was a bright Jewish girl born on June 12, 1929, in Germany. On the onset of World War Two, Anne and her family were forced to go into hiding to avoid the persecution that the Jews were going through in the hands of the Nazis. Although they were eventually captured, Anne was able to write down her experiences and her feelings when being in hiding. These experiences were written in a diary she received for her thirteenth birthday. Initially, she wanted the entries of the diary to be private but when she heard about the possibility of getting her work published, she started writing it in order to hopefully get published someday. Accordingly, the understudy will analyze teenage relationships based on the diary of Anne Frank. Anne’s Relationship with Her Mother Like most teenagers, Anne had a strained relationship with her mother. This may be attributed to a lack of time and space that is required to form the bonds necessary to have a close mother-daughter relationship. Edith and Anne were constantly fighting as they both had similar characteristics. Edith Frank was cold and tactless, according to her daughter Anne. Anne felt that her mother always supports her sister, Margot, more. In reality, though, Edith supports her daughter, for instance, when Anne was scolded by Mrs. Van Daan for being too playful. The same is the case for many teenagers and their parents. Most of the misunderstandings revolve around teenagers feeling as though their parents do not understand them and are too hard on them. In essence, most parents just want the best for their children and are usually not prepared for the reality that their children are also growing into independent adults themselves. Anne’s Relationship with Her Father Otto Frank and his daughter had quite the close bond. Ann preferred her father over her mother. In her diary, she wrote, â€Å"I can even imagine my mother dying one day. But I can’t imagine living without my father.†Anne loved her father that she even prayed with him. She believed her dad supported her although once in a while, he sided with her mother and sister. This is not strange, even among teenagers today. Adolescents, in their journey to adulthood, face a lot of challenges and strained relationships, as a result, they, therefore, turn to those people and things that make them feel understood and accepted. To Anne, her strained relationship with her mother led her to believe that only her father understood what she was going through. She, therefore, devoted most of her love to her father. It is not uncommon to find teenagers preferring one parent over the other, or another close relative with whom they feel the most understood and accepted. Anne’s Romantic Relationships Anne had a crush on Peter Schiff. This was a boy she knew when she was in school before they went into hiding. She often wrote about how she thought about Peter Schiff all the time. When her family went into hiding with Fritz Pfeffer and the Van Daan family, she started developing feelings for Peter van Daan. Peter did not seem like a good fit in the beginning as he was very shy and this contrasted with Anne’s personality. Eventually, she develops romantic feelings for Peter who also feels the same towards her but cannot admit it as he is too shy. Adolescents develop romantic feelings during this phase in their growth curve. It is a normal occurrence and teenagers should not be ashamed of having these feelings. Care should be taken, however, to ensure that these feelings are dealt with responsibly. Parents and guardians should take the initiative to talk to the teenagers in their care about romance and the positive results as well as the consequences that may arise when such f eelings are mishandled. Anne’s Relationship with Friends After the Frank family was forced to go into confinement to hide from the Nazis, the only other people Anne could relate with apart from her family was Fritz Pfeffer and the van Daan family, real name van Pels. There were frequent fights between these people who had been forced to live in a small room for over two years with barely any outside contact. Such kind of living arrangements, coupled with the fear of being caught by the Nazis led to strained relationships among these people. There were frequent fights between Edith Frank and Mrs. Van Daan, especially over Anne. Anne Frank also frequently fought with her sister, Margot. While this could be linked to the fact these people were overwhelmed by their living conditions, Anne’s own feelings could be attributed to her growing phase. Some teenagers lose friends through their adolescent phase as they grow apart, a normal occurrence. On the other hand, other relationships may grow stronger. As adolescents mature, they become mo re aware of themselves and these may result in stronger relationships or, the total opposite, broken relationships. Conclusion The Diary of Anne Frank was about a Jewish girl’s experience during the World War two and how this affected the relationships she had with the people in her world around that time. Anne was basically a normal teenage girl who just happened to grow up in a time when she was facing persecution for something she could not have any control over, the religion she was born in. Regardless, she continues being herself even as she grows into adulthood, through adolescence. Her story is very relatable to teenagers currently. While the teenagers in this era are not battling World War Two, they still have their personal fights and wars within themselves and in the society as a whole. Social media, drugs and substance abuse, increased mental illnesses such as anxiety and other social issues are what teenagers face today. The story of Anne Frank is a source of inspiration to teenagers today. It is a lesson that despite what is going on around them, what is important is what is within them. The publication of the diary of Anne Frank opened up an opportunity for teenagers to have a relatable person who lived through one of the worst times in history but still managed to continue making the most out of her life.
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